Welcome to my blog!

…more exactly, my first blog. I never thought before about a combination of images and words. But you know, photographers are always searching for a place (real or virtual) for exhibiting their own vanity. Well, this is a place of mine where sometimes I take refuge and keep something safe, a thought,  a picture, often a mixture of both of them.

But It’s not the only place because during the last years I have left lots of images in other points of the web. So if you like, here are other links when you can find some pieces of my life.

  1. My Footprints in the world – A blog where I’m publishing my shots about places and sometimes people that are important to me.
  2. My images on 500px – A collection of my shots in B&W, mostly about street scenes but not excusively!
  3. My images on Flickr – the collection of my photos taken in different (but unfortunately not so many) places.

My photo travel continues and I hope so much to share my shots with you! Anyaway, thank you for your time and your curiosity!

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Joshi Daniel Photography

Photoblog of Joshi Daniel

A Year of Adventure

from the eternal city to the city that never sleeps

The LondonHer

I viaggi di una London addicted


come può un viaggio cambiarti la vita?

Cloud Burning

a little slice of life

Dr Penny Sartori

What near death experiences can teach us about life